Why a remote work candidates passions are as important as their skills podcast episode

In fact, remote workers can come from various walks of life and career experiences. The common thread among virtual employees is that they work for remote companies or those that practice a hybrid office model. However, each individual has different needs when it comes to staying motivated as a remote worker –which is why we created this post! In this article, we’ve curated a list ofpodcasts for remote workerswho are seeking a healthier work-life balance, practical remote work podcast advice for working from home, or tips for their professional life. Since 2017, host Adam Finan has shared advice to start a business or land a remote job traveling the world. As a result, Adam interviews other digital nomads and professional remote workers on Shopify Plus to share tips and experiences. From building a passive income to using LinkedIn to find new clients, Digital Nomad Cafes provides valuable information and inspirational stories.

Podcasts for Remote Workers

The production qualities are excellent, even better than on The Remote Show. We love the presentation skills from the enthusiastic presenter, but we do find her accent a little grating – that’s a personal taste thing, of course, your mileage may vary. Every 2 weeks or so they release a new episode which delves into all things “remote work” oriented and which features an interview with a major player in the remote work scene. Again, rather like with Distributed, they’ve tended to focus on employers rather than employees but this is still no bad thing. We appreciated the episode with Peldi Guillizzoni the CEO fo Balsamiq because we love the prototyping process he uses. This one appears to have been abandoned at the end of a 13-episode run which is a bit of a shame as its audience thought pretty highly of it. However, it’s fair to say that Remote Work is actually pretty decent.

Steli Efti, CEO and Co-Founder of Close.io

Money Box is a weekly personal finance radio programme on BBC Radio 4 broadcast live each Saturday at 12pm (BST/ GMT) and repeated on Sunday evenings at 9pm (BST/ GMT). However, you can also listen to episodes in podcast formats across platforms such as BBC Radio 4, Spotifyand Apple Podcast. This remote work podcast is a tool for generating passive income and securing online work. In doing so, you’re creating a nomadic lifestyle that is also sustainable. Debbie offers a comfortable and friendly approach that makes this podcast an easy and enjoyable listen. Hosted by Nomad Charles, this is a highly practical podcast that focuses on the transition.

It’s genuinely insightful and most importantly, it’s actually listenable. Yonder is the brainchild of two people, Jeff Robbins and Mindi Rosser. They’re convinced that remote work is the future of the world as we know it and their podcast on the subject runs to around 80 episodes at the moment.

Screw The Commute Podcast

To learn more, review our list of the best Slack communities for remote workers next. These remote work podcasts will help boost your productivity and give you the tools to be efficient on your own schedule. Podcast listenership has grown exponentially over the past decade, with over 51% of Americans listening to podcasts, and 32% of Americans listening to at least one podcast in the previous month. They offer an easy way to learn new things on the go and use time for growth and development that would have otherwise been spent listening to music or talking on the phone.

  • The Yonder Podcast features interviews with people thinking about distributed teams, remote work, and how to create happy, productive, free-range workers.
  • Aside from isolation, many cite productivity and loss of a work-life balance as major challenges that have decreased their well-being.
  • Mastering Remote podcast is part of season 2 from Arc, the remote career platform for developers.
  • Podcasts are not only means of information but also tools for improving your remote worker career.
  • Host Deena McKay amplifies their voices and shares their experience about success, failure, racial inequality, and diversity efforts at the workplace.

This is also another podcast that is not just about remote work but is still highly relevant to the niche. This podcast is primarily focused on the hybrid work model, which is that combo of working at home and in the office. You’ll learn how to be successful in this working environment, https://remotemode.net/ successful collaboration, team building, advice from experts, and much more. Get tips and resources about being a good leader in a remote work environment, how to build successful remote team collaboration, and interviews with others who have proven success in remote work.

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Adam Grant, an organisational psychologist, takes you through the experiences of notable figures and how they overcame hardships in their career. The episode on Celeste Ng, a New York Times bestselling author, is particularly incisive.

Podcasts for Remote Workers

Therefore, The Work From Home podcast covers several challenges related to remote work life. The podcast provides numerous tips to find the right work-life balance over time, from productivity to balance with marriage. Niche Pursuit is all about learning more about link building, Google Ads, and everything related to this niche.

Ryan Anderson, VP of Global Research & Insights at Herman Miller

Matt Mullenweg is the CEO of Automattic and cofounder of WordPress, making him a real expert on running teams remotely. You can learn his secrets by listening to his podcast, Distributed. His team spans 76 countries and speaks 95 languages but has nevertheless achieved great success.